Southwest Milam

Water Supply


Authorization to disclose personal information. THIS FORM MAY BE EMAILED TO:

To cancel your monthly draft.

To apply for a position with Southwest Milam Water, you will need to submit both the Employment Application and the Information Disclosure along with a copy of both sides of your Driver's License. 

Update phone number, mailing address, email address, etc.

Notice of Requirement to comply with the Subdivision and Service Extension policy of Southwest Milam Water Supply Corporation.

Required for Subdivisions or Non-Residential properties seeking service. See Tariff for further description.

For landowners interested in water service in areas that currently may not have water lines or capacity.

Basic Right of Way Easement. One is also included in the Service Application.

Needed for all new meters or membership transfers

To have service canceled to a property.

Current version of the Corporation's Tariff & By-Laws.

To be placed on the agenda to speak at a board meeting.

Information on various fees for members.

For transfer of membership from a previous property owner to a new property owner.

For sending bills to renters

To have your monthly bill drafted from your bank account.

For new meters- to see if there is capacity on the line or if upgrades will be necessary. If you are mailing in your Hydraulic Investigation, please attach a map indicating the location of your property, as some physical addresses may not be available online.

For your convenience, we have posted PDF versions of our most commonly used forms along with a brief description.

downloadable forms