New Members

The first step to obtaining a new meter is to conduct a Hydraulic Investigation. This is to determine whether there is capacity on the line for a new meter, if a road bore may be needed, or if any line extensions or upgrades will be necessary to service your property. A form must be completed and returned to us with a check, money order, cash, debit, or credit card payment for the Hydraulic Investigation Fee as listed below. We will also need complete, accurate directions to the property so that we can properly map the location for proposed service.

Hydraulic Investigation: (Cost updated September 2023)

        1 meter- $150.00

        2 meters- $175.00

        3 meters- $200.00

        4 meters- $225.00

        5 meters- $250.00

        6 meters- $275.00

        7 meters-$300.00

        8 meters- $325.00

        9 meters- $350.00

       10 + meters- Add $25.00 per meter

Once we have received your payment, form, and map or directions to your property, we will send your Hydraulic Investigation to our engineer. When you submit your hydraulic investigation, please be sure to ask our staff about the amount of time that should be allowed for engineering work-ups and mailings. Once we receive a response from the engineer, we will send you a letter detailing our findings and the next steps toward having a meter placed on your property.

If you have received your cost estimate and are ready to proceed with meter installation, we will need a completed Service Application along with a copy of your deed and payment for your meter. All fees aside from the Impact Fee must be paid before we will issue a work order to install your meter.  Our standard service and re-service fees are as listed below. 

Standard Service

$250.00 Membership Fee

$800.00 Installation Fee

$1,161.68 Equity Fee

$7,656.00 Impact Fee*

$100.00 Customer Service Fee

Total Cost: $9,967.68

*Impact fee may be paid out over the course of 12 months at a rate of $638.00/month, leaving $2,311.68 due before meter set.

Re-Service Fee*

$250.00 Membership Fee

$100.00 Customer Service Fee

$200.00 Re-Service Fee

Total Cost: $550.00

*Re-Service fees only apply in certain cases. Please contact us for more details.

Standard service fees only apply in cases where a road bore, line upgrades, line extensions, etc. are not necessary. Fees for upgrades will vary from case to case, and will be discussed in your Hydraulic Investigation response letter.

Once we have received your Service Application, copy of your deed, and payment, we will issue a work order for installation of your meter. We will then contact Texas 811 to mark any underground service lines before we can proceed with installation. County and state permits may also be necessary if any line upgrades or road bores are required.

Meter installation will be scheduled according to our work schedule with each meter being installed as soon as possible. In most cases, except those requiring line upgrades or road bores, meters will be installed within 10 working days of work order issuance.

Your water meter will be installed as quickly as possible. However, the employees of Southwest Milam Water Supply Corporation must give priority to emergency water outages.

Water Rates

$41.25 Service availability charge per meter per month regardless of water usage or connection. Cost of usage over minimum will be:

$3.30 per thousand gallons from             0 to 6,000 gallons

$3.60 per thousand gallons from     6,001 to 10,000 gallons

$4.80 per thousand gallons from   10,001 to 20,000 gallons

$5.40 per thousand gallons from   20,001 to 30,000 gallons

$6.10 per thousand gallons from   30,001 to 40,000 gallons

$6.70 per thousand gallons from   40,001 gallons +

To view other fees, please view our Membership Information PDF, available on our Forms page.